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Behind The Scenes

The Express Train: Passengers Meet & Greet

A train full of Passengers is here! The 7 Fingers landed on our stage earlier this month to bring nostalgia, stories of fateful encounters, and incredible acrobatics to our audiences. Check out this express Meet & Greet journey with the cast of Passengers

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For most shows at Seattle Rep, we host a “Meet & Greet,” where staff and donors welcome the cast and creative teams of our productions on their first day of rehearsal. We hold “Express” Meet & Greets when casts arrive to perform without rehearsals needed in our space, which was the case for Passengers, as we are one stop on their world tour.

Right after landing in Seattle, the Passengers cast went straight to rehearse in the space of our friends at the Seattle the School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts (SANCA).  

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After a few days at SANCA, the company set up shop on the Bagley Wright stage at Seattle Rep. 

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Did you know?  

  • The cast of Passengers rehearses for 3 hours ahead of every performance  
  • Seattle is the only West Coast stop in their current U.S. tour 
  • The opening moment, tight wire, and epilogue music is based on a theme composed by Raphael Cruz, an acrobat, clown, and dear friend of The 7 Fingers who passed away in 2018 and whose death greatly influenced the creation of this piece 

“Life is beautiful, but it’s also ugly, and it’s joyful but it’s also tragic, and it’s ridiculous but it’s also unbearably dramatic. Like the two parallel tracks of a train, side by side, etching the same path.”  

- Shana Carroll, director, writer, and choreographer of Passengers and co-founding artistic director of The 7 Fingers  

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In case you haven’t seen Passengers yet... 

- YouTube

Travel with Passengers in an unforgettable journey down the tracks on Seattle Rep’s Bagley Wright stage through October 15, 2023.  



Santiago Rivera Laugerud, Méliejade Tremblay-Bouchard, Marco Ingaramo, and the company of Passengers in rehearsal. Photos by Sayed Alamy; The company of Passengers on the Bagley Wright stagePhoto by Eliane Rodriguez; Méliejade Tremblay-Bouchard in Passengers. Photo by Martine Poulin.