Seattle Public Library
Shout Sister Shout! Reading List
Shout Sister Shout!: BEYOND THE THEATER
Librarians at Seattle Public Library created this list of books, music, and films to enhance your experience of the show!
Shout, Sister, Shout!
The Untold Story of Rock-and-roll Trailblazer Sister Rosetta Tharpe
by Wald, Gayle
Book - 2007
Wald’s biography of trailblazing guitar virtuoso Sister Rosetta Tharpe provided the inspiration for West’s musical portrait of the same name.
by Wald, Gayle F.
Audiobook CD - 2019
The recently released audiobook version of Wald’s biography includes several tracks by Tharpe.
The American Folk-blues Festival
The British Tours 1963-1966
DVD - 2007
This DVD collects videos of live performances from the American Folk Blues Festival, an annual music festival that introduced American blues musicians, including Sister Rosetta Tharpe, to European audiences in the 1960s.
People Get Ready!
A New History of Black Gospel Music
by Darden, Bob
Book - 2004
“From Africa through the spirituals, from minstrel music through jubilee, and from traditional to contemporary gospel, People Get Ready shows the links between styles, social patterns, and artists.” – Continuum Books
Dinah Washington and Friends
Swing Era
Streaming Video - 2013
See Sister Rosetta Tharpe and other female vocalists from the 1940s and 50s perform live in this collection of short films. Stream this video at Access Video with your library card and PIN.
Rock-and-Roll Woman
The 50 Fiercest Female Rockers
by Ochs, Meredith
Book - 2018
Radio DJ and author Ochs has compiled 50 biographical sketches of key female rock musicians (including Sister Rosetta Tharpe), representing a wide variety of styles and influences from gospel, ballad, and blues to riot grrrl and punk.
Rejoice & Shout
DVD - 2011
This documentary follows the history and evolution of gospel through its musical styles across the decades and includes a chapter on Sister Rosetta Tharpe.
Sing Sister Sing
Streaming Music
This album is an excellent introduction to Sister Rosetta Tharpe’s music. Download and stream through Freegal with your library card and PIN.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe: The Godmother of Rock & Roll
Streaming Video - 2011
This short documentary about Sister Rosetta Tharpe includes live performances and commentary from producers, her biographer, friends and entertainers who knew and worked with her. Stream this documentary on YouTube.
The Gospel of the Blues
by Tharpe, Rosetta
Music CD - 2003
Known as the “godmother of rock-and-roll,” Sister Rosetta Tharpe influenced and inspired Johnny Cash, Elvis and many others with her unique blend of gospel-infused blues. Get a taste of her distinctive style by listening to this CD.
Too Close to Heaven
History of Gospel Music
Streaming Video - 2005
This documentary traces the 200-year history of gospel music from black churches, to the civil rights movement, to its influence on modern jazz, blues, and rock & roll. Stream this video at Access Video with your library card and PIN.
Warming by the Devil's Fire
DVD - 2003
“Charles Burnett explores a childhood of being shuttled between a religious mother and a blues-loving uncle. His film combines fictional storytelling with documentary footage of a host of blues legends.” – Columbia Music Video.
Women Who Rock
Bessie to Beyonce. Girl Groups to Riot Grrrl
Book - 2018
This tribute to women musical artists highlights 104 female performers (including Sister Rosetta Tharpe) who have played essential roles in the evolution of popular music including blues, rock & roll, country, folk, punk, and hip hop.